Photo by : Jagdish Singh
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Photo by : Jagdish Singh
Email :
Name :: Jagdish Singh E-mail ::
1. Title of the Photo :: This is how a lamp can shine bright without having a bulb in it 2. Name of Place where Photo was taken :: Gurgaon 3. Photographer’s Name :: Apratim Sahu 4. Camera Used :: Nikon D5300 5. Country :: India 6. State :: Haryana 7. City :: Gurgaon 8. […]
1. Title of the Photo :: Light Trails 2. Name of Place where Photo was taken :: Dubai (UAE) 3. Photographer’s Name :: Tarun Arora 4. Camera Used :: Canon 5DMARK4 5. Country :: India 6. State :: Punjab 7. City :: Ludhiana 8. Category of the Photo :: Artistic/Creative 9. Your Social Sites Link […]