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Impure water is being supplied in Harmu Housing Colony
Impure water is being supplied in Harmu Housing Colony for last four days as out of three plumbers deputed in the area, one has retired, one is on leave and one is deputed at office to work as peon.
NUJ (I) welcomes Government decision on Wage Board
NUJ (I) welcomes Government decision on Wage Board New Delhi: October 25: The National Union of Journalists (India) today welcomed the Government decision to accept the recommendations of the Justice Majithia Wage Boards on the emoluments of working journalists and non-journalists in the newspapers and news agencies. In a statement, issued in New Delhi today, […]
cabinet gave its approval to the wage board
The cabinet today gave its approval to the wage board recommendation final recommendation of the wage board along with certain correction ramification which are carried out under section 21 of the working journalist and other news paper employees, condition of service and misceleanous provision act 1955. The decision, taken at a meeting of the union […]