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Delhi | November | 18, 2020 :: On the occasion of “National Legal Services Day”, under the aegis of Delhi State Legal Services Authority, DLSA (East) had organized a programme by Suspending a Hot Air Balloon (Having Name, Motto, Purpose and Helpline Number of DSLSA) from Kendriya Vidyalaya, Vigyan Vihar on 09.11.2020 from 10:00 am […]
Ranchi, Jhatkhand 18 March 2014 :: “????? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ????????? ?? ??”, Hoarding are installed in Ranchi to aware People to Vote.
Ranchi, Jharkhand | September | Thursday | 24, 2015 :: After Open Viva-Voce conducted by the ICFAI University today, Ramnish Singh was declared to have qualified for the award of the Ph.D. Degree in Management, for his Study on “Emergence of Dynamic Organization Structures Based on Social, Asynchronous and Synchronous Communication and Collaboration Patterns in […]