1. Title of the Photo :: Nature is the food for life
2. Name of Place where Photo was taken :: At home.
3. Photographer’s Name :: Abhinav Sethi.
4. Country :: India.
5. State :: Uttar Pradesh.
6. City :: Meerut.
7. Category of the Photo :: Flower.
8. Your Social Sites Link :: https://www.facebook.com/
9. About Photo :: This Photo is Special as it came at an instance of time. There was no pre planned setting which I did . I was sitting in my garden taking photos of the flower around, when this Fly came and sat on one of the flower and lickily stayed there for 15 seconds and waited to get clicked. The perfect Picture of itself.
The caption relates to every thing, Nature has given to us and How we essence out things around us to our best use.