New Delhi, 26 October 2014 :: A year long birth centenary celebration of Acharya Tulsi concluded with a week long event from 19th to 25th October 2014 having a huge gathering of thousands of followers of Anuvrat Movement in the auspicious presence of Anuvrat Anushasta Acharya shri Mahashraman ji in the premises of Chattarpur mandir, Mehrauli. These celebrations are being undertaken by Acharya Tulsi birth centenary celebrations committee presided by chief convenor Kamal Dugar. The closing ceremony of the fourth phase was graced by the benign presence of a galaxy of dignitaries both from the spiritual as well as the political world. The dignitaries included Tarun Gogai [ Chief minister of Assam ] , Swami Chidananda Saraswati, Acharya Shri Pramod Krishnan, Digvijay singh [ General Secretary, Indian national congress ],Manish Tiwari [ Congress leader ] , Rajya sabha MP’s Tarun Vijay, Chaudhari Mehboob Ali Kaisher, Vivek Gupta.The final phase celebrations instigated and inspired the followers to practice purity and self discipline in their life, experiencing self transformation and moving towards a non violent socio-political world order.
Acharya Mahashraman said “The whole purpose of celebrating centenary of Acharya Tulsi shall be successful when people start following vows of Anuvrat to live & let live in peace, harmony, love, follow the path of righteousness, protect the environment to build a universe with happiness, peace, harmony, austerity, simplicity, prosperity and good health for all.”
The centenary celebration was a grand success and appreciated by the people of the country.The event was organised by Acharya Tulsi Birth Centenary Committee spearheaded by Kamal Dugar.

Kamal Dugar declared , “ We are starting Ahimsa Yatra from November 9, 2014 from the Red Fort of Delhi , in the similar line of Dandi March led by Mahatma Gandhi to promote peace and spread message of Ahimsa. Acharya Mahashraman with his monks and nuns shall travel 10,000 kms till Nepal on foot”.

Tarun Gogai [ Chief minister of Assam ], expressed his concern about the present happenings in some parts of the country and in Assam in particular. He said, “ the need of hour is to follow path of Acharya Tulsi teachings who guided millions to the path of peace and harmony.”

Digvijay Singh [ MP and General Secretary, INC ], asserted Acharya Tulsi is another incarnation of Lord Buddha who englightened whole world with his wisdom and message of Anuvrat . Manish Tiwari spoke about rich wisdom of Acharya Tulsi , spiritual head who could influence the whole world spreading the message of ANUVRAT. Acahrya Pramod Krishnan addressed the gathering and compared Acharya Tulsi as Himalaya of peace and Harmony.

Tarun Vijay remarked Acharya Tulsi is a real guru who guided RSS, the cultural organization and also advocated about the sanctity of women in particular.
In the words of Acharya Mahashraman ji ,Acharya Tulsi born on October 20,1914 was a Jain Acharya ,9th head of the Swetambar Terapanth order. Initiated at the tender age of 11 ,he had a long period of monkhood, 59 years of Acharyaship, unparalled barefoot marches, wide contact with masses, heroic courage ,remarkable spiritual development, prodigious creative writings and mastered thousands of dedicated Karyakartas. Acharta Tulsi renowned his physical comforts and dedicated his life for imbibing moral, human and ethical values in humanity as a whole. Acharya shri Mahashramanji further added that the whole purpose of celebrating the centenary of Acharya Tulsi will materialize only when we can solve the major burning issues of modern times by inculcating the Anuvrat vows in our life and living in harmony irrespective of caste ,colour, creed and religion.
The Centenary celebration of Acharya Tulsi was a grand success and appreciated by all dignitaries and people alike.
Information was given by :: Dr.Kusum Lunia.
Photographs by Arpit Gupta & Seema Thakur, New Delhi.