Name :: Ashni Raj Aishwerya
Class : Fourth – A
Roll No : 14
School : S.S.V.Mandir
Name:: Vaishnavi Raj Aishwerya Class :: II ‘ A ‘ School :: Saraswati Shishu Vidya Mandir
January | Wednesday | 25, 2018 :: National Day of the Girl Child Day is observed on 24 January every year. It is imperative to promote the value of the girl child by investing in a range of opportunities for adolescent girls including their education, life skills, sports, work, community service, volunteering in important social […]
November | Wednesday | 15, 2017 :: Google celebrates the birthday of Cornelia Sorabji [ India’s First Female Lawyer ] with a doodle Cornelia Sorabji (15 November 1866 – 6 July 1954) was an Indian woman who achieved several notable firsts: the first female graduate from Bombay University, the first woman to read law at […]