Gurgaon, Haryana | August | Wednesday | 19, 2015 :: The second day of orientation programme of Apeejay Stya University began with a lot of promise with Apeejay School, Sheikh Sarai playing host to the gathering. The day began on an auspicious note by lighting of the lamp.
The chief guest for the ceremony was Dr Sudhanshu Trivedi [ National Spokesperson and Political Advisor to the President, BJP ]. The other notable personalities who inspired the young audience were Dr. S.K Salwan [ CEO, Apeejay Education Society ], Dr. V.S. Garg, [ Senior Advisor, Apeejay Group ] while the guests of honour were Arun Jain [ Managing Director, Fluor Daniel ] and Sharad Aggarwal [ Executive Vice President, Godfrey Philips ].
After the invocation and lamp lighting, short films on the founding Chancellor, ASU, Dr. Satya Paul and the Chancellor, ASU Ms. Sushma Berlia were shown.In the welcome address, Dr Pankaj Gupta, Vice Chancellor, ASU stated that instead of abhav (deprivation) and prabhav (influence) we should focus on svabhav (behaviour). He talked about a broad faced, multi disciplinary approach towards education. “Choose your own parameter of success. So many people will define success for you. But choose your own path. Be what you want to be,” he added.
S.K. Salwan asked the students to nurture their soul and believe in themselves.
“Education does not mean that one should acquire something. Rather, education is the way to dispel darkness so that one can let light of knowledge and wisdom enter oneself,” said Prof (Dr) Sudhanshu Trivedi. He also highlighted the need to build a character for oneself.
Arun Jain urged the students to think in the third dimension, set their goals and pursue them with diligence. “When you repeat a mistake it is not a mistake, it is a decision,” he said.
V.S. Garg stressed the need for a holistic education system.
What followed was a panel discussion on the topic ‘Nurturing Leadership and Talent’ comprising of Anadi Sinha, President HR, UNO Minda Group, Peeyush Sehgal, CEO, Eagles Cocoon, G. P. Rao, Ex-President HR, Reliance Malaysia, Rahul Mahajan, Prasar Bharti, Damnish Kumar, CEO, M-Elimu, Ms Smiti B. Deorah, Co-Founder & COO, Workadvantage and Yogesh Pandey, CISCO. The discussion was moderated by Aditya Berlia, Pro Chancellor, ASU and subsequently opened to questions.
The day ended with an enthralling cultural performance ‘ASU Rocks’ where the Apeejay band Mindfish belted out some popular songs much to the enjoyment of the audience.