1. Title of the Photo :: Glorified Death
2. Name of Place where Photo was taken :: Delhi
3. Photographer’s Name :: Ayandrali Dutta
4. Camera Used :: Google Nexus5
5. Country :: India
6. State :: Uttar Pradesh
7. City :: Noida
8. Category of the Photo :: Monuments
9. Your Social Sites Link :: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Scattered-Expressions/946198478730037?fref=nf
10. About Photo :: Walking from the Qutub side right behind the complex one can notice a tomb structure, It nothing but Adham Khan’s Tomb, Akbar’s foster brother. Located in the Mehrauli, South Delhi, this structure is also known as Bhul Bhulaiya because of it’s complex confusing corridors.
Taken in Meharuali
Date: 1st August
The huge Tomb reflects glorified death even though he was Akbar’s foster brother.