Chhota Bheem, the no.1 kid’s show on Pogo & Cartoon Network, has launched its Brand in Jharkhand. Varad Concepts, distributors for Jharkhand organised a Fun Event in Bachpan School where kids participated in colouring competition, Laddoo catching contest, lemon race etc. and watched Chhota Bheem Special Cartoon. Chhota Bheem was also present in school to cheer the kids. Event was managed by Ms. Rainee & Ms. Supriya of Fiesta Eventz.
At present Chhota Bheem Brand owned by Green Gold Animation, Hyderabad has launched designer Tshirts, winter-wears, wrist watches, DVD’s, Comics, Mugs, Stickers, Photo Frames and school stationery’s. At present the range is available in Firayalals, Reliance Trendz, Good Books and some other leading stores of Ranchi..