14 May 2014 :: David Yeo of Singapore is awarded with distinction of EXCELLENCE (EPSA) by Photographic Society of America [ PSA ]. Kristina Erin Kaye, FPSA, EPSA of PSA Congratulated David on compiling 940 acceptances in recognized PSA exhibits. After this application for the distinction of EXCELLENCE (EPSA) of David Yeo was approved.
The distinctions are now published in the January, April, July and October PSA Journal. The next listing will be in the July 2014, JOURNAL with the entire list of all who have been awarded distinctions during this quarter. Photo of David Yeo will also be published on the “Recognition of Photographic Achievement” (ROPA)website at that time.
ROPA Certificates for PPSA and EPSA will be awarded at the Opening Ceremonies of each PSA Conference. The MPSA and GMPSA plaques will be awarded at the Honors Banquet at the Closing Ceremonies.
The presentation will be in September, 2014. The presentation will be made at the PSA Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
After this award David Yeo will show his name as David Yeo, EPSA.
David is now invited to submit a small portfolio of 3 to 6 images of his best work to the ROPA Gallery [ http://psa-photo.org/index.php?ropa-galleries-overview ]