Blood Money is an upcoming Bollywood thriller film directed by Vishal Mahadkar, and produced by Mahesh Bhatt is going to release on 30th of March 2012. The film stars Kunal Khemu opposite Amrita Puri in lead roles. The film was earlier titled Jannat 2 but was later changed to Blood Money . Mahesh Bhatt wanted to call this film ‘Kalyug 2’ but couldn’t do so due to stiff opposition from his associates.
Directed by Vishal Mahadkar
Produced by Mukesh Bhatt
Story by Upendra Sidhye
Starring Kunal Khemu, Amrita Puri
Music by Jeet Ganguly, Pranay, Sangeet & Sidharath Haldipur
Cinematography Nigam Bomzan
Distributed by Vishesh Films, Viacom 18 Motion Pictures