Ranchi, Jharkhand | March | 16, 2019 :: Indian Institute of Management Ranchi, the ninth member of the prestigious Indian Institutes of Management family, was established on December 15, 2009 under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, under the aegis of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India with the extensive support of the Government of Jharkhand. The Institute has been accorded the status of ‘Institution of National Importance’ by the introduction of IIM Act 2017.
IIM Ranchi held its Eighth Convocation ceremony at Dr. Ramdayal Munda Auditorium, Khelgaon, Hotwar, Ranchi on Saturday, March 16, 2019.
Jayant Sinha, Minister of State, Civil Aviation, Government of India graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
The event had Chairman, Director, other members of Board of Governors, dignitaries from Govt. of Jharkhand, educationists, faculty, staff, graduating students and their parents.
The convocation ceremony started with the Academic Procession followed by Lighting of the Lamp and Invocation. Prof. Shailendra Singh, Director, IIM Ranchi delivered the Welcome Speech and present a brief report about the institute.
Dr. Shailendra Singh, Director, Indian Institute of Management, extended a warm welcome to the audience and the Chief Guest, Mr. Jayant Sinha, Hon’ble Minister of State for Civil Aviation. Dr. Singh shared, with immense pride, that the Institute has shifted from awarding Diplomas to Degrees, and that the Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) has become PHD. Students getting more than 8.75 CGPA are entered in the Roll of Honour, and this year four students have made there this year from the 2017-19 batch. He discussed IIM Ranchi’s initiaves and achievements during the year, mentioning that the Institute has inherited the legacy of the oldest IIM-IIM Calcutta, through its mentorship. He announced the achievements of the Institute’s young and energetic faculty members who have published 30 research papers in national and international journals of repute and have presented papers in conferences. The institute has added three new faculty members this year making the total strength of core faculty 31. He congratulated Dr. Tanusree Dutta for being nominated as Professor of the Year at IIM Ranchi by Inside IIM.com, and Prof. Asit Mohapatra who was adjudged the best professor in Human Resources by world HRD Congress. Prof. Subir Chattopadhyay was invited to editorial board of ICFAI Journal Of Management. There were many more achievements by the faculty and Director Sir himself.
He mentioned that IIM Ranchi has taken several other initiatves, including undertaking impactful policy research, through the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Centre on Leadership, Policy and Governance (ABVCLPG) and the Birsa Munda Centre for Tribal studies that will focus on skill development amongst tribal communities. He further took pride in the Institute’s Student Exchange Programme which involves MOUs signed with 8 foreign universities. He congratulated the students for the successful completion of summer placements for the batch of 2020 and final placements for the batch of 2021. He concluded his address by sharing four pointers of wisdom with the students:
1. Learn to be thankful, start with thanking your parents and elders who have made numerous sacrifices, and teachers
2. Shift your focus from profitability to sustainability of enterprises where you work.
3. Work for harmonious coexistence of the organisation, society and environment
4. Always imbibe behavior that reflects the core values of IIM Ranchi- humility, honesty and hard work
During the 8th convocation:
• 8 Doctoral students of IIM Ranchi were awarded the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in management.
• Degree/Diplomas were conferred on 268 students from the graduating students from the various programmes, such as:
MBA: 179 students
MBA- HRM: 62 students
Executive Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGEXP): 27 students
Chairman, Board of Governor, IIM Ranchi awarded Degree and Diplomas to all the graduating students. Chief Guest presented Medals and Book Prizes to the students for their academic excellence.
IIM Ranchi is proud to state that it has achieved 100 percent placement in both the Final Placement of the 2017-19 batch and Summer Placement for the 2018-20 batch students.
The recipients of the awards were:
MBA (2017-19 batch)
First Position (Recipient of BoG Chairman’s Medal & Certificate of Merit) Tarun Choudhary
Second Position (Recipient of Director’s Medal & Certificate of Merit) Ankt Marda
Third Position (Recipient of Chairperson’s Medal & Certificate of Merit) Ayushi Agrawal
Fourth Position (Winner of Book Prize) Baid Vinit Jatanlal
Fifth Position (Winner of Book Prize) Deepak Verma
MBA-HRM (2017-19 batch)
First Position (Recipient of BoG Chairman’s Medal & Certificate of Merit) M.V.S. Sudhir
Second Position (Recipient of Director’s Medal & Certificate of Merit) Joy Kundu
Third Position (Recipient of Chairperson’s Medal & Certificate of Merit) Sakshi Gupta
Fourth Position (Winner of Book Prize) Vishak Bharadwaj P
Fifth Position (Winner of Book Prize) Aiswarya Sreenivasan
Post Graduate Executive Programme in Management (PGEXP) (2017-19 batch)
First Position (Recipient of BoG Chairman’s Medal & Certificate of Merit) Sujeet Kumar
Second Position (Recipient of Director’s Medal & Certificate of Merit) Ajit Kumar Patra
Third Position (Recipient of Chairperson’s Medal & Certificate of Merit) Aradhana Suman
Fourth Position (Winner of Book Prize) Naveen Thakur
Fifth Position (Winner of Book Prize) Akhilesh Kumar Upadhyay
This was followed by address by Shri Praveen Shankar Pandya, Chairman, BoG, IIM Ranchi and Shri Jayant Sinha, Hon’ble Minister of State, Civil Aviation, Government of India, the Chief Guest
In his address to the gathering, The Chairman welcomed Mr. Jayant Sinha. appreciated his approach to problem solving in the industry and his rich experience. He talked about the potential of the country, but pointed out that we are lagging behind in manufacturing, leading to our dependence on imports. He further pointed out to the opportunity in manufacturing sector and the need to grow Indian Industry, mentioning that IT industry won’t be able to offer the kinds of jobs that youth needs. He emphasized that young minds should become entrepreneurs and inspired students to set their goals and work towards them without looking left and right. He concluded by wishing the students all the best.
Jayant Sinha, in his address to the gathering, called this convocation as a landmark moment in their professional lives. Along with congratulating the students, he also congratulated faculty for nourishing these young minds. He then requested all students to rise up and urged them to give a standing ovation to their friends and family and invited them to pay a special round of applause to their friends and family. He mentioned that from being 11th to 5th/6th largest economy, India has moved ahead fast in the last few years. In terms of GDP, India stands as the third largest economy. He pointed out that we are growing at 7 percent against an inflation rate of 3-4% and also drew the audience attention towards positive macro-economic parameters- fiscal deficit, BOP, etc. He further added that one thing doesn’t get the attention that it deserves is debt- enterprise, consumer and government debt. He said that our total stock of debt as a percentage of GDP is 150pc, whereas for China, Japan, US- debt to GDP is 250-300pc. He said that we are growing fast without taking on significant leverage which is extraordinary. He attributed this to the series of structural reforms undertaken by the Government to increase productive capacity. He said that a major move to increase productive capacity was rapidly adding IIMs to all the states. He further drew audience attention towards four major structural reforms that every Indian should pay attention to- monetary policy, inflation targeting, which has a direct impact on our lives, other key structural reforms leading to lowering of EMIs, and introduction of GST, leading to no more tax on tax, saying that tax evasion has gone down, tax paying capacity of this country has increased and tax collection has improved.
He mentioned two other massive structural reforms- revolution in connectivity and Telecom. He took pride in the achievements of Aviation ministry, illustrating that there were only 70 airports in the country when he took charge of office while today, there are 100 airports with commercially scheduled services. He took pride in mentioning that his government has added 5-10 airports a year in 5 years, and increased the count of Ranchi airport flights from only 12 flights a day to 32 flights.
He also said that his government tripled the activity in venture capital and private equity in 5 years and has left India well positioned for future.
He encouraged students to have a vision to form our own unique development model- farm to frontier, saying that youngsters are at that frontier. He said that this way we can create the India of our dreams, which is well ahead of any other country. He ended his address by congratulating the students of 2019 batch once again.
The ceremony concluded with the National Anthem.