Indian Institute of Management Ranchi welcomed the students and esteemed faculty from the Central University Punjab including the august presence of Prof. Rajinder Kumar and Prof. Sandeep Kaur for facilitating a vibrant exchange of ideas between the two states of Jharkhand and Punjab in the opening ceremony for Yuva Sangam Phase 4.
Yuva Sangam is an ongoing cultural exchange with the celebration of diversity at its core wherein participants gain an immersive experience of diverse facets of life, natural landforms, development landmarks, recent achievements, and youth connect in the host state through exposure tours of 5-7 days. During these tours, participants get multi-dimensional exposure under five broad areas -5 Ps, i.e., Paryatan (Tourism), Parampara (Traditions), Pragati (Development), Prodyogik (Technology), and Paraspar Sampark (People-to-people connect). The programme aligns with the vision of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 by focusing on experiential learning and imbibing first-hand knowledge of the rich diversity of India.
IIM Ranchi is the nodal institute for the state of Jharkhand and is paired with the Central University of Punjab. This joint effort is designed to provide young individuals with distinctive chances to discover new possibilities, share thoughts, and expand their viewpoints.
The event commenced with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp, followed by the address of Prof. Deepak Kumar Srivastava, Director, IIM Ranchi. The program itself was introduced by Prof. Jagan Kumar Sur, Yuva Sangam IV nodal officer, IIM Ranchi. Following which the participants engaged in a plant watering drive. Additionally, the participants paid a visit to the Jagannath Temple and the Pahari Temple in the course of their stay here at IIM Ranchi. The ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks by Prof. Rajeev Verma, faculty, IIM Ranchi.