Ranchi, 08 Feb 2012 :: The International Conference on Automation & Information Technology in Iron & Steel Making : Process Improvement & Energy Efficiency[AITISM – 2012 ] was inagurated at Ispat Bhawan, RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi. The diginitaries present were S.S. Mohanty, CEO, Bokaro, Steel Ltd, G.S.Prasad, CEO, Rourkela Steel Plant, Dr. D. Mukerjee, Executive Director Incharge, RDCIS, R.S. Sharma, Director General, UIDAI, A.K.Ghosh, CND, MECON, T.S. Suresh, Executive Directoe, CET & S.Vardarajan, Executive Director, RDCIS. The conference was organised by research & Development Centre for Iron& Steel[ RDCIS], Steel Authority of India Limited [ SAIL ] along with Computer Society of India [ CSI ], Ranchi Chapter in association with Centre for Engineering & Technology [ CET, SAIL], MECON.
Dr. D. Mukerjee in his address highlighted the relevance of the theme of the Conference & told that energy accounts around 35- 40 % of the cost of production in Indian Steel industry. This can be reduced by implementing Automation & Information Technology in the Steel making process.
The International Conference has been organised with an aim to provide a platform for intraction amongst experts, technologists, consltants, academicians & Equipment manufactures associated with the Steel industry from India & abroad to share their experiences and to address the role of Automation & IT tool for continous process improvement & low energy consumption. Indian Steel Plants consume more energy as compared to developed countries. There is scope to improve in this area that will give competitive edge.
Experts from India & foreign countries like Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy Japan, U.K, Singapore, USA, finland, Netherland, Canada etc. participated in the Conference. R.S. Sharma, IAS officer & Director General & Mission Director of Unique Identification Authority of India [ UIDAI ] delivered the theme address on Implement of IT in Indian Industries : Challenges & Oppertunities in the Inagural session of the conference.