Ranchi, Jharkhand | July | 04, 2017 :: In order to inculcate the leadership quality in the students the school cabinet was formed and they were inducted through a grand investiture ceremony at Delhi Public School, Ranchi on 04/07/2017 for the session 2017-18.
The event was presided over by Brigadier Sunil Kumar NV (Indian Army) as the Chief Guest and B.N. Thakur ED RDCIS SAIL as the Guest of Honor in the senior section and other distinguished guests, whereas Sanjay Rajan Singh IPS SP Traffic Ranchi as the Chief Guest in the juniors.
The program began with the melodious welcome song. Thereafter the newly appointed school appointees as well as the house appointees took the oath in front of the whole school. The oaths were administered by the honorable Chief Guest.
Dr. Ram Singh the Principal of the school explained the significance of Investiture Ceremony and said that it denotes the investment in being leaders and the trust and confidence we repose in our newly invested office bearers for the involvement of the student’s community in the day to day functioning of the school since we believe in child centric approach. He also said that leadership gives a sense of responsibility and dedication, and today’s school captains will go on to become tomorrow’s leaders.
On this occasion the school was made aware of the unique selection process in which it was highlighted that academics, discipline and behavior has been given utmost priority so that they become role models for not only their batch mates but also their juniors.
In the senior section of the school Aditya Bose was appointed as the Head boy and Gurmeet as the Head girl. Mayank Sharma was appointed as the Cultural Secretary (boys) and Ananya Suman as the Cultural Secretary (girls). Shlok Bashistha is the new sports captain (boys) and Smriti Bhagat Sports captain (girls).
The Chief Guest of the event congratulated the students and motivated them to be dutiful and responsible. Brigadier Sunil Kumar NV (Indian Army) shared the difference between the leaders and managers and said that develop your personality to become tomorrow’s leaders as the future of India is in the hands of the young generation.
The Guest of Honor B.N. Thakur ED RDCIS SAIL motivated the new leaders and said that leaders are the one to take out the best in all.
In the primary section of the school Yash Raj was appointed as the Head boy and Shreya Sarawat as the Head girl. Rishit Das was appointed as the Cultural Secretary (boys) and Pragya Pallavi as the Cultural Secretary (girls). Anshuman is the new sports captain (boys) and Arpita Sports captain (girls). Apart from these the children the house captains and the vice captains also handed over the house flags.
The Chief Guest of primary section Mr. Sanjay Ranjan Singh IPS SP Traffic Ranchi congratulated the students exported them to up hold the values and be honest in discharging their duties. He also appreciated the school for providing opportunities to imbibe democratic values through such activities.
A short cultural program was also presented by the Dipsites in honor of the Chief Guests. The programme came to an end with a vote of thanks, proposed by the head girl. The event was conducted with the high degree of sincerity and enthusiasm.