Ranchi, Jharkhand 08 June 2014 :: Wushu Association of India is going to organise National Wushu judge’s and Coaches seminar at Central University of jharkhand from 10th of June.
Approx 100 judges and coaches from different part of country including Services and Air force will take part in this event of wushu .
The seminar for coaches will be from 10th to 19 th June and for judge’s from 10th to 15th June.
International judge and chairman technical committee WAI Dinesh Kumar Mishra, chairman Wai Judge’s and referee board Sambhu Seth, Mohan Mutyala Rao -vice chairman WAI technical committee
and P Behra will be the expert of the seminar and Deepak Gope and Razi Ahmed will be the coach .
The inauguration ceremony willl be organise at CUJ campus on 10th eve.
This information was given during the press conference organised at Hotel Pinnacle. The following JWA officials were present during the P C – Kunal Basu, Sunil Sahu, Uday Sahu , Shivendra Dubey, Deepak Gope , Ratnesh Kumar, Dr Anshu Sahu, Rajkumar Jain , Kartik Ram , Shailendra Dubey