Vijayawada | September | 27, 2019 :: On the eve of Save the Children’s celebration of 100 Years, today, Save the Children in collaboration with ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition organized #TheRightStart Summit at Jyothi Convention Hall, Benz Circle, Vijayawada. The summit brought in 14 young changemakers from various social development projects, implemented by Save the Children. Honourable Chairperson, Andhra Pradesh State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Ms. G. Hymavathi inaugurated the summit as a chief guest. The guest of honours were Dr. Antony Sebastian, Chairperson for Karnataka SCPCR, Mr. P. Suresh, Chairperson for Kerala SCPCR and Ms. Shabnam Siddiqui, Director of United Nations Global Compact Network. Yasmin Riaz, Director Resourse Mobilization, Save the Children, NGOs and Community from Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Odisha, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka were also part of the summit. Over 200 people attended the event including NIN Scientists, SCERT, Health Dept, RtE Forum, Doctors, Social Workers, NGOs and media.
Change Maker Awards were given to NGOs, Government Depts, Individuals and children for their work to strengthen the cause of child rights.