Ranchi, Jharkhand 01 September 2018 :: Archer Madhumita Kumari being welcomed by officials of Birsa Munda Archery Academy Silli during her arrival at Birsa Munda airport in Ranchi on Saturday, September 01, 2018. Madhumita won Silver for India in women’s compound archery in an electrifying against South Korea at the 18th Asian Gams 2018 in Jakarta.
Photo-Ratan Lal
Madhumita Kumari, whose nickname is MADHU, is a student who represents India at archery.
Madhumita started archery in 2008 and made her international debut in 2013.
Her hobbies are: LISTENING MUSIC.
She is righthanded. Her arrows are 25″ long and her draw weight is 50 lbs.