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10 Imp Points to follow while driving in Fog.

Use fog lamps.  Make sure they’re aimed properly (mounted at most 30 inches from the ground with the top of the beam aimed four inches down over 25 feet).

Low beams are best. High beams will disperse in the fog, making visibility worse for you and other drivers.
Keep car headlights clean. Ordinary road grime can reduce the brightness of headlights by up to twenty percent, and the same applies to front and rear fog lamps. Get in the habit of wiping off your lights; that way you’re ready for those low-visibility conditions.

Keep the view clear. Moisture can build up on the windshield both inside and out; the air conditioning setting will help keep moisture from building up inside.

Don’t listen to music or talk on your cell phone.  Turn down distracting noises so you can listen for vehicles you cannot see.

Use the side of the road as a guide. Use the right edge of the road or the painted white line along the right side of the lane as a guide for positioning the car in your lane. Approaching cars could blind you momentarily if you’re looking at the centerline.

Brake and signal early. If you miss a turn, never brake quickly or back up to the intersection. Remember the car behind you can’t see any better.
Check your rear-view mirrors. Look for approaching headlights. Gently touch the brakes as another car approaches from behind, to signal the other driver.

Be alert for slick roads. Remember that fog is a form of precipitation; it may leave the roads slick or icy, especially in cold weather or mountainous terrain. If there’s fog  &  ice, pull off the road at the next safe place—it’s not worth going on.

Slow down. Most accidents in foggy conditions happen because the driver of one of the vehicles is going too fast for the conditions and can’t slow down in time for another vehicle. If the fog lifts, proceed cautiously. Fog tends to be patchy, and you could be enveloped in it again.


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