Jannat 2 is an upcoming Bollywood crime thriller film and a sequel to the 2008 hit film, Jannat. The film is directed by Kunal Deshmukh, and produced by Mahesh Bhatt and Mukesh Bhatt. It features Emraan Hashmi, Randeep Hooda, Imran Zahid and Esha Gupta in lead roles. The storyline is based on the issue of illegal arms in Delhi.
Directed by Kunal Deshmukh
Produced by Mahesh Bhatt
Mukesh Bhatt
Story by Shagufta Rafique
Starring Emraan Hashmi [Sonu Dilli ]
Esha Gupta [Sonia ]
Randeep Hooda [Salim Khan ]
Imran Zahid as Inspector Vijay Thakurr
Music by Himesh
Distributed by Vishesh Films
Fox Star Studios