Ranchi, Jharkhand | May | 19, 2020 :: Number System : A Book by Rajnish Mishra for various competitive examinations is now available in online platforms. Click on the link below to order online & https://notionpress.com/read/number-system#.XsPbeSWzOHg.whatsapp About the Book : The book is written in user friendly language to grasp the subject quickly. This book […]
27 January 2015 :: In his Speech at Delhi’s Siri Fort Auditorium to 2000 university Students US President Barack Obama said, * India and US are not just Natural Partners but I believe America can be India’s Best Partner. * There was time when I was treated diffrently because of the Colour of my Skin * […]
April 17, 2015 :: World Hemophilia Day : April 17 World Hemophilia Day is an international observance held annually on April 17 by the World Federation of Hemophilia [ WFH ]. It is an awareness day for hemophilia and other bleeding disorders, which also serves to raise funds and attract volunteers for the WFH. It […]