P :: Praisable
R :: Resourceful
I :: Initiative
N :: Nurture
C :: Courteous
I :: Innovation
P :: Perseverant
A :: Affectionate
L :: Leader
Blue Whale Challenge – What Parents Need to Know a) What is the Blue Whale Challenge and why should parents be concerned about this game? 1. The Blue Whale challenge is an online game. The game is named so because sometimes whales beach themselves intentionally and die. 2. In this game, an online administrator assigns […]
October | Monday | 26, 2015 :: A major disasters occurred on the 26th :: Is it a Coincidence Why is it Always “26” ? Take a look on this list: The Rhodes earthquake 26 June 1926 Kansu, China earthquake 26 Dec 1932 ( 70,000 dead) Turkey earthquake 26 Dec 1939 ( 41,000 dead ) […]
Need of the hour “Travelling for Peace “ The concept of “Travelling for Peace” is increasingly relevant in today’s fast-paced and often monotonous world, where peace can sometimes seem elusive. Let’s explore this idea further by breaking it down into its core components and understanding how travel can lead to peace and relaxation, especially for […]