Ranchi, Jharkhand 16 June 2014 :: Three officials from Jharkhand Wushu Association will take part in 7th International Wushu Championship scheduled from 19th to 23rd June at Tiblisi, Georgia
The Indian team will depart to Georgia on 19th of June from Delhi and will return on 24th of June. An eight member team will take part in Sanda event of wushu.
Shivendra Nath Dubey will accompany team as Team Leader, where as Uday Sahu and Raj Kumar Jain will be the observer of the team. Shivendra Nath Dubey and Uday Sahu had participated several times in different world championships.
The officials of JWA Kunal Basu, Sunil Sahu, Ganesh Agarwsl, DR Anshu Sahu, Amar Priyadarshi, Sankar Tiwary, Deepak Gope, Ratnesh Kumar, Arvind Sinha express their well wishes for the success of the Indian team