22 August 2022, Chaibasa: To ensure children’s learning in W.Singhbhum, Room to Read India Jharkhand office with the support of UNICEF rolled out its annual flagship campaign ‘IndiaGetsReading’ in Chaibasa. A ‘Mobile Library Van’ was flagged off by Mr. Ananya Mittal, DC of W. Singhbum from the collectorate building.
Mr. Mittal also shared an inspiring message focused on the importance of developing reading habits in children at a young age. The mobile library van initiative is aimed at creating awareness among people on the importance of reading. Room to Read India’s #IndiaGetsReading campaign this year is themed on Reading Equals – Padhna Jahan Samaanta Wahan. The campaign which was rolled out of August 15 at the national level will culminate on September 8, the International Literacy Day, with a National Seminar in Delhi.
The campaign inauguration event in Jharkhand witnessed the presence of DC of West Singbhum, DSE, ADPO along with Room to Read representatives. The mobile van after leaving the collectorate went to two clusters of Chakradharpur block where reading activities were organized with the children.
The Reading campaign is a part of larger UNICEF and Room to Read initiative in West Singhbhum which promotes parents’ and teachers’ engagement on promotion dialogues, discussion and reading habit amongst children, especially in response to learning loss during COVID related school closures. The initiative among other things, has also promoted a ‘Parents’ Calendar’ which has age-appropriate discussion points for parents to have conversations around day-to-day life, natural phenomenon, and important days of the year. The calendar also provides QR links to parents to get more information about the important dates and events as well as get access to interesting knowledge games.
Also supporting the Campaign, on the occasion was Ms Parul, Education Specialist, UNICEF Jharkhand who said,” Reading is an important skill and fundamental to the learning and psycho-social development of individuals. When students don’t acquire reading fluency, their ability to comprehend most subjects gets compromised. Reading also promotes the ability to connect with people and issues beyond one’s immediate circle. Society and schools need to facilitate reading by introducing age -appropriate books, anchoring discussions about books and having collective reading sessions”
The mobile van will go to two clusters in Chakradharpur and Sonua Block on a daily basis till the 8th of September. During this period, various stakeholders from the education space will also visit schools and read out books to children to motivate them. The three-week-long campaign would reaffirm Room to Read’s belief that when children get equal opportunities in life, they can transform their lives and the lives of their communities.