Popeye Deformity : Abnormal shortening or defect of the biceps muscle.
A Popeye deformity is defined as any abnormal shortening or defect of the biceps muscle. The biceps tendon attaches between the elbow and the shoulder. It helps you lift your arm straight up and bend the elbow. There are two parts: the short- and long-heads of the biceps. Each one attaches in a slightly different place on the arm.
Symptoms of Popeye deformity
The symptoms of Popeye deformity depend on the extent of the tear.
Symptoms may include:
• Hearing or feeling a pop when the tendon breaks away from the bone
• A sudden, sharp pain in your arm
• Weakness in your shoulder and elbow
• Cramping in your biceps muscle when you’re doing something strenuous
• Difficulty turning your arm so that your palm faces up or down.