The Effect of Pranayama on Physiological System
Pranayama are breathing techniques whereby the prana, the vital energy is controlled and extended.
Oxygen that goes inside our body through breathing is used in the cells of our body for metabolic activities and production of energy.
Respiration is a natural process.
It is involuntary.
In our usual respiration only one third of our lungs is filled up.
Pranayama is Voluntary.
It is a special type of breathing, where it tries to fill up the entire lungs.
Thereby, more oxygen enters into the lungs which means the cells receive more oxygen for their use and are able to produce more energy.
Due to the uses of all the three lobes in Pranayama, they become active and energised.
As a result, the vital index goes up and the body of the practitioner become full of vitality with strength, agility, cheerfulness and enthusiasm.