The Effect of Relaxative Yogasana on Physiological System
There are mainly three types of Yogasana :
1. Meditative
2. Cultural
3. Relaxative.
In Relaxative asanas, the muscles of the body and the mind are relaxed and thus all the internal organs of the body as well as the mind get rest.
Mental tensions are often reflected on the nerves and muscles, making them tense. Muscles under such tension remain contracted. They obstruct the normal blood flow and therefore get exhausted very easily. The tense nervous system cannot coordinate various functions of the body and thus a disharmony is produced. Long-term derailment in the vital functions would lead to the ‘disease’ condition.
The yogic relaxation aims at the release of tensions working at the level of super consciousness (chitta).
Relaxative Asanas provide the most natural horizontal and comfortable position of the body that contributes to the physical as well as mental relaxation at the first instance. All the joints are consciously loosen and therefore the tension and tremor in their muscles is reduced. Moreover, horizontal and relaxed position of the body facilitates efficient and easy blood circulation. Blood pressure and heart rate are reduced and maintained at a minimal level as there is no need to circulate the blood with force. Now the flexor and extensor muscles need not work against the gravity. There is no need to hold the body against gravity.
As a result these big muscles relax and the metabolic rate is reduced. Breathing becomes slower, slightly deeper, rhythmic and mostly abdominal in nature.