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Know from Dr. Sumita Mukherjee, the Yogic treatment for Dislexia or learning disability


Regardless of circumstances, learning is a process that involves mind, body, and spirit. People who are healthy, happy, and aware are more receptive to receiving and recalling new information. They also have more confidence and enthusiasm than those who have some problems in brain or some hormonal imbalances or some heredity problems or those who frequently deal with frustration or failure.

Over the years, several influential professional journals have published articles validating Yoga’s effects on behavioral and learning processes. This has been good news for teachers and parents who often observe subtle difficulties but aren’t sure what to do about them. In this case, Yoga may help bridge the gap.

the problem usually doesn’t go away. A good support system and application of appropriate learning styles can turn liabilities into assets, but it takes a comprehensive plan and a good attitude to make it happen.



Ask the kid to sit down on mat at a calm place .legs should be folded in sukhasana or vajrasana or padmasana. Five times deep breathing then normal breathing and ask him to close eyes and sit for few seconds. Every day increase the timing of sitting quite by 1 minute to 20 minute.

meditation can increase your power to focus, your attention and relaxes your brain making it more functional meditation can also help to stabilize their mind, gain confidence and help concentration making it easy to cope dyslexic. Meditation with mantra chanting has very good effect on brain waves. It has power to carry information from one part of brain to another.

Bhramari pranayama


Sit quietly in calm place. Close eyes and ears with the help of thumb and all four fingers. Take a deep breath and make sound mmmmm.repeat it for 3 to 21 rounds.

Bhramari is a phonatory respiratory exercise, which scientifically accelerates the release of nitric oxide – a gas molecule and key biological messenger that plays a significant role in metabolic processes at the cellular level. Nitric oxide accelerates the micro circular of blood by dilatation and release of spasm of peripheral blood vessels, hence controls blood pressure. It is omnipresent; present in every cell of body. It helps in better neural transmission and enhancement of memory.


Dr Sumita Mukherjee
Yoga Therapist and Special Educator
RCI registered

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