Know from Dr Sumita Mukherjee, How yoga therapy works.
* Consciously adopted body postures, breath-body coordination practices and directed energy work (asana, kriya, mudra-bandha) self-analysis, energy enhancement through breath work, withdrawal from the sensory maze, concentration, meditative deep contemplation and devotional emotive singing (swadhyaya, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana andbhajans)
* Attaining mental clarity (chitta prasadan) through conscious choice of appropriate attitudes towards people, places, events and situations (maitri, karuna, mudita, upekshanam)
* Focused gazing, energy enhancement through breath work, withdrawal from the sensory maze, concentration and meditative deep contemplation (trataka, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana and dhyana)
* Introspectional self-analysis, healthy focused group discussion guided by a mentor, and devotional emotive singing (swadhyaya, satsangha and bhajans)
* Starting the practices in early childhood
About Author
Dr Sumita Mukherjee
India book of record holder. For research cool mind management.
Author of book believe in yourself.
Course coordinator ICYER Pondicherry.