The science of yoga provides physical, mental and spiritual health of mankind. Awakening the inherent potentials, it can make one to experience harmony, equilibrium and a feeling of optimum health. One can achieve the state of true and complete relaxation. Sensory perceptions as well as awareness of the worldly sense objects become introverted. This […]
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The practice of Ekapada pranamasana has a profound effect on the body physiology and psychological well-being : Somali Fouzdar ( Yoga Expert )
Learning abilities can be enhanced when a child is properly trained into the inner conditions necessary to receive knowledge. The education system is not concerned enough with the harmonious and balanced development of the child’s personality. A child is often found struggling with the demands of mind, physical limitations and emotional conflicts. To overcome anxiety […]
Meditation and Sankalpa as tools for developing rational mind during the corona virus pandemic :: Dr. Parinita Singh
The corona virus pandemic has induced fear, stress and anxiety in all of us and has severely affected our day to day life. The issue being faced by each of us today, is how to respond, manage and to cope up with the stressful situation unfolding so rapidly in our lives and communities. In absence […]
Know from Jagdish, the precautionary measure’s taken before doing Yoga.
The word Yoga means Unity or oneness and is derived from the Sanskrit word YUJ, which means to join. The Unity or joining is described in spiritual term as the Union of individual consciousness with the Universal consciousness. On more practical level, Yoga is a means of Balancing and harmonizing the body, mind and emotion. […]
Physical Inactivity during Lockdown may increase your Blood Pressure : Know from Jagdish, the Yogic management for High BP.
May | 15, 2020 :: Hypertension (HTN or HT), also known as high blood pressure (HBP), is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. The Higher the pressure, the harder the heart has to pump. Hypertension can lead to damaged organs as well as several illness, such […]
Corona – An Opportunity to Discover the Self :: Dr. Dinesh Prasad Swain
We all need to lead a healthy, prosperous and disease-free life.But now, in this modern scenario, we suffer, due to faulty life-style, defective body posture and heavy use of modern appliances, as well as lack of strong determination for continuous efforts to be fit and fine.Since the last month, we, almost all the people (apart […]
Yoga – The Need of the Hour :: Dr. Dinesh Prasad Swain ( Assistant Professor, Sri Sri University )
The science of yoga provides physical, mental and spiritual health of mankind. Awakening the inherent potentials, it enables one to experience harmony, equilibrium and a feeling of optimum health. A state of true and complete relaxation can be achieved by withdrawing the sense perceptions from their respective sense objects. This is the aim of yoga […]
Reproductive and Child Health care in India : Dr Bimlendu Kumar Roy
Reproductive health is defined as the total well-being in all aspects of reproduction i.e. physical, emotional, behaviour & social framework according to W.H.O. India is amongst the first country in the world to initiate action plan at national level for total reproductive health as a social goal. These program functionally explored the named of family […]
Know from Dr Sumita Mukherjee, How yoga therapy works.
Know from Dr Sumita Mukherjee, How yoga therapy works. * Consciously adopted body postures, breath-body coordination practices and directed energy work (asana, kriya, mudra-bandha) self-analysis, energy enhancement through breath work, withdrawal from the sensory maze, concentration, meditative deep contemplation and devotional emotive singing (swadhyaya, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana andbhajans) * Attaining mental clarity (chitta prasadan) […]
Yoga is the purpose of Yoga :: Dr Sumita Mukherjee ( India book of record holder )
Yoga is the purpose of Yoga :: Dr Sumita Mukherjee ( India book of record holder ) Initially we may be drawn towards Yoga for physical, mental, emotional benefits like weight loss, toning of the body, mental relaxation, emotional balance, insomnia, good rest etc. but eventually it pulls us to the very core, i.e. towards […]